We've seen videos of bears on back porches, and breaking into neighborhood garbage cans. But, have you ever wondered what bears do out in the wild when you're not looking? Well, this viral video shows they're not getting their heads stuck in honey pots - they're scratching their backs against tall trees.
Canada's Alberta Parks caught this incredible video of some of their inhabitants getting up on their hind legs, and scratching their backs on a tree. Although, there's a lot more going on here than it seems. Alberta Parks explains on their YouTube page that the bears use the tree to leave a scent, and communicate with other animals in the area. Nonetheless, the video is adorably entertaining.
While it might be a good back-scratcher, this tree is really for leaving a message to the other animals of the forest.
These bears look like they just can't get enough!
While these snapshots of the bears are cute - the video is all the funnier. Check out the Alberta Parks YouTube video below to see the bears in action.