Horses are well known for having a therapeutic effect on children and adults, but one special organization is taking equine therapy one step further. By training miniature horses as therapy animals, Gentle Carousel Miniature Therapy brings equine therapy to places where horses can't typically travel.
Gentle Carousel Miniature Therapy is a 501(c)(3) charity which is entirely powered by volunteers. This video gives you a detailed look at the work that these horses and the volunteers do. From meeting with a woman in a hospital to partnering with police stations and fire stations, these little horses do it all. There's some touching footage that gives you a glimpse of the happiness that these horses bring out through their presence. It's hard to deny the powerful and positive effect that miniature horses can have with their visits.
Miniature horses bring equine therapy into areas where normal-sized horses couldn't otherwise go. Their small size makes it easier to transport miniature horses, and they are able to enter buildings and even hospitals. Miniature horses are also not as intimidating as a large horse is, so children may be more likely to approach them.
According to, the Gentle Carousel Miniature Therapy team of 14 horses visits more than 45,000 children and adults each year. The horses undergo at least 2 years of training in preparation to become therapy horses. The miniature horses need to learn how to walk on different surfaces, ride in elevators, and navigate around hospital equipment.
The team of horses is based on a farm in North Florida. The horses travel across the country providing services. Gentle Carousel Miniature Therapy horses Magic and Catherine were even featured as 2014 Breyer model horses. They visited the Breyer factory on their way home from visiting Sandy Hook and Newton, Connecticut.
Equine therapy can lift spirits, calm anxiety, inspire people, and more. Thanks to Gentle Carousel Miniature Therapy, thousands of people are lucky enough to receive this special therapy every single year.