Open water, great weather and your kayak. It sounds like the makings of a perfect day at sea. Until an unexpected guest shows up and squashes your party. Check out the video at the end of the article which appears to show a group of kayakers enjoying some time on the water until a Killer Whale (considered part of the dolphin family) jumps from the water and lands on top of one of the boaters.
There are questions about whether this incident actually happened. Snopes claims that the video is a clip from a Korean Powerade Commercial. "The commercial's producers took some footage available in the documentary 'Lolita: Slave to Entertainment' and added the kayaks through digital manipulation." The commercial shows the Kayaker flipping back up and appearing to be unharmed.
Even if this video is a fake, it's a little too close to the truth for one pair who experienced a very similar incident.
Both The Telegraph and The Mirror featured a story about a two people who were nearly crushed to death when a humpback whale landed on top of their kayak off the coast of California. Both Tom Mustill and Charlotte Kinloch survived but were left stunned by the incident, which can be seen in a video here. Mustill and Kinloch claim they thought they were a safe distance away from the whales and had no clue the humpback had gotten so close.
Have you ever seen a whale up close in the wild? Share your experiences in the comments below.