Girl flips over horse's back, demonstrating message that will move all horse-lovers

There's something absolutely magical about the horse. Perhaps it's the fact that the horse is so elegant and noble that he seems otherworldly. Or maybe it's the fact that he moves effortlessly and embodies power in everything that he does. Either way, the ability to bond with a horse is one of the greatest gifts on earth.
This video captures that sentiment perfectly. The girl and her horse have a beautiful relationship which is clearly built on trust and patience. You can see how well they communicate, and if you've ever worked with a horse, then you know how much time went into the training behind this relationship.
The text of the poem in the video is as follows:
“From the heavens, a breath of wind sent down
and from the windswept sand appeared a creature so beautiful, so pure.
Its movements, so graceful
Its soul, so kind
Its partnership, so loyal
Its heart, Untamed
Yet a bond with man like no other.
Forever to be treasured, the God’s most precious creation.
The Horse.”
(Poem source unknown)
If you want to forge a connection with your horse, there are a number of ways to do so. Horse Channel recommends spending time with your horse doing the basic things, like feeding him, grooming him, and just building a friendship with him. You want your horse to appreciate you enough to try his best for you.
But at the same time, it's important to make sure that your horse respects you, too. Even as you bond with your horse, he needs to learn that you are in charge. He must respect your personal space and can't exhibit disrespectful behaviors like biting or kicking. Be firm with your horse and set boundaries. These boundaries will help him learn how to properly and safely engage with you.
As a side note, please wear a helmet whenever you're mounted on your horse. It's also a good idea to wear one when you're doing ground work or liberty work since it can help to protect your head if your horse unexpectedly strikes out. Always keep your own safety in mind!​